Chocolate Milk, It’s An Athlete’s Friend

Choc_MilkPinch me, am I dreaming? Over 20 studies have shown that drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a tough workout is one of the best things you can do for your body…dreams do come true!

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The Beauty of Lacy Park

lacyparksignA while back I wrote about the Lacy Park Stairs as a good “public gym” option and promised a follow-up regarding Lacy Park proper. Seeing that the holidays are fast approaching and my jeans are already getting tighter (I think the wash machine has shrunk them), now is a good time to share what Lacy Park offers.

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Lacy Park Stairs – Just Do It!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                                                           View looking up                                                

The Lacy Park Stairs are nestled among bougainvillea plants and beautiful homes in San Marino, California. I stumbled upon them as my husband and I were bike riding through the neighborhood. He was easily cruising up the never ending slope of the street we were on while I was panting and searching for any break spots (this seems to be a pattern with us). When I noticed the steps my mind began to race, “This could be my new exercise ‘club’!”

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