Monday, Fun Day — Sunflowers!

sunflowerDid you know that sunflowers are the only flowers which track the sun? They actually track the sun as it crosses our sky — talk about looking at the bright side of things! Maybe we should take a cue from these beauties and try to do the same with our given situations.

Happy Monday, friends!

Look up into the sky!

SydneyObservatoryI stumbled upon the Sydney Observatory as I was walking back “home” to my hotel in Darling Harbour. My stay in Sydney, Australia was an unexpected one as my ears ruptured during the decent into Sydney airport from Perth on my way back home to Los Angeles and the airport doctor grounded me, literally. I was not able to fly until my ears had time to heal. My coping mechanism, explore the city! It’s amazing what you discover when you are grounded in a foreign land.

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