Chocolate Milk, It’s An Athlete’s Friend

Choc_MilkPinch me, am I dreaming? Over 20 studies have shown that drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a tough workout is one of the best things you can do for your body…dreams do come true!

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Charlie’s Coffee House South Pasadena

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI love funky, fun, independent coffee houses and am always on the look out for new ones. Not too long ago, as my beloved and I searched for the entrance to Hermon Trail for a hike, I spotted one of these elusive gems. A few days later I decided to visit my new find, Charlie’s Coffee House. To my delight, this place has enough funk to make it cool while still maintaining an order and cleanliness that keeps it from being grunge chic…jackpot!

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Lime + Prosecco = Limescco!

It’s deadline day for the second Cooks in the Kitchen challenge. This month’s theme was limes. Limes are such a light, festive taste explosion that I instantly thought of drinks, didn’t you? Please welcome, the Limescco!


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