P-Day = Pie (not President’s) Day

The President’s Day celebration weekend is only hours away. Hmmm, what would be a fitting American way to celebrate? Let’s eat some pie! There is a wonderful spot in downtown Los Angeles called The Pie Hole that can accommodate your pie craving, whether sweet or savory.

piehole3This tasty morsel of a spot, which puts out fresh pies daily, is in the heart of downtown’s Arts District where parking can be tricky so, if you can access the metro, I recommend using it and getting off at the Little Tokyo stop. From there, it is about a three or four block walk to the restaurant which you will appreciate after partaking in the wonderful task of pie sampling. For reference, the sweet pies can be bought by the slice while the savory pies are at a reasonable individual size so you get the whole thing, yum!

piehole2My husband and I tried both sweet and savory and I think I will have to go for another visit before I can officially declare which is my favorite, perhaps even a few times just to be fair. I know, you’re saying, “Shut your pie hole!” or is that just me I hear?

pieholeThe Pie Hole is located at 714 Traction Avenue, Los Angeles, CA  90013. Check out their website www.thepieholela.com


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